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Ankur Kapur
4 min read
WACC, the most debatable topic in Finance
Any asset can be valued by discounting its future cash flow via a discount rate. This discount rate is called the weighted average cost...

Ankur Kapur
6 min read
Investing in Mutual Funds
There are hundreds of schemes across different categories of mutual funds. It is hard for an investor to identify which scheme is better....

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
How to segregate your financial goals?
Each person has specific requirements and knowingly or unknowingly specific biases. “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life;...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
How much is good enough?
Over the last decade, I had the opportunity to manage the money of a lot of successful people in the corporate and startup world. The...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
Knowing the expectations treadmill trap
Just like a treadmill, if you continue to increase the speed, at one stage you either push the ‘emergency stop’ button or you may fall....

Ankur Kapur
1 min read
How to invest and get rich
Who doesn’t want to get rich? However, rarely do people equip themselves with the right mindset. What does it take to be rich? Planning...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Do not invest without knowing the risk!
Risk means the degree of uncertainty or potential financial loss inherent in an investment decision. In simple terms, the risk of losing...

Ankur Kapur
1 min read
Benefits of investing in mutual funds
While investing in mutual funds lots of questions arise in our minds. And one of the most common queries comes to our mind is that...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
I cannot invest because I can’t afford it
Investing is the kind of thing that the longer you wait to get started, the more opportunity for future returns you could be giving up....

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Time-tested method to grow money
The most commonly accepted notion regarding wealth creation can be summed up as follow spend less than what you earn and then invest what...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
How to identify turnaround investments
Investing is all about the unknown future. More unpredictable the future, the better maybe the investment returns. Often an investment...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is inflation?
In simple terms, you could have purchased 1 kg of Mango in 2013 for Rs 100, now the same quality mango comes for Rs 150, leading to a 50%...

Ankur Kapur
4 min read
Creating wealth in a volatile world
In this article, I explore the wrong notion of news flow, the reality of our economy, and the scope of wealth creation across major assets.

Ankur Kapur
0 min read

Ankur Kapur
4 min read
How to assess your investment portfolio?
The year has ended with a 21% return at NSE 50 level. Your portfolio might have grown better or worse than this, depending upon your...

Ankur Kapur
6 min read
In the long run, all companies will be dead!
Everything has a beginning, a middle, and, most definitively, an ending. This is the first dharma seal in Buddhist philosophy, the Law of...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
Portfolio sizing is the key to portfolio return
If a portfolio is not created with the right size, capturing a good investment may not have any meaningful impact on the portfolio....

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
What to expect from your investment portfolio?
In March 2020, the expected returns were high but not a lot of people invested. Now when the markets have zoomed, people expect that the...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
Where to invest? Is it the best time or worst?
A company with a Price to Earning of 400 makes an IPO, and the media pours all forms of blessings. This is one of the indications that we...

Ankur Kapur
4 min read
The ultimate dilemma - invest or withdraw?
2020 will be marked as a unique year that has demonstrated the capital market’s pessimism as well as optimism. A lot of this is...
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