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Ankur Kapur
3 min read
How to analyse an Industry?
Michael Porter is well known for his five forces framework, which remains one of the best ways to assess an industry's underlying...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
Computer Age Management Services (CAMS)
India's financialization has just started. CAMS stands to gain from that growth. As the young population continues to find meaningful...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Flow of capital is everything.
When a company goes public and sells shares to a wide range of investors, price discovery happens. The price of the shares is based on...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
How to analyse financial statements?
The basic understanding of financial statements is a pre-condition to performing financial analysis. It can start from a basic analysis...

Ankur Kapur
12 min read
Basics of financial statements
"The primary goal in financial reporting is the dissemination of financial statements that accurately measure the profitability and...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
How to evaluate competitive advantage
The competitive advantages will eventually be copied away or the tastes and preferences of consumers will change and companies will...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What not to do while investing
When you go to the gym for the first day you do not spend hours lifting heavy weights. Even if you want to build a body by lifting heavy...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
There are only two ways to earn any investment return
As per my understanding, an investor can earn a return primarily in two ways. First, to follow the market. And the other, stand against...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
How can US and Canadian NRIs invest in India?
Mutual funds, AIFs etc. are not tax-efficient solutions for the USA and Canada-based NRIs. There are more straightforward options to...

Ankur Kapur
4 min read
WACC, the most debatable topic in Finance
Any asset can be valued by discounting its future cash flow via a discount rate. This discount rate is called the weighted average cost...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
Why equity investing can’t be taught but only learnt?
It is not unusual for investment professionals to get teaching assignments. I still remember I had the first assignment within a week of...

Ankur Kapur
4 min read
How to identify consistent compounders?
Before we understand how to identify consistent compounders, we need to know what consistent compounders are. These are those companies...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is the margin of safety?
The margin of safety is the difference between the fair value of a stock and its market price. Warren Buffet says, ‘price is what you...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What should be the price?
After you have studied the business and industry, you understand the prospects. Once you are confident of the prospects of the business,...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Does the company have a suitable organizational structure and management depth?
An organization's culture is the personality of a company just like individuals have personalities. What is organizational culture? An...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Does the company have a rational capital allocation policy?
What is capital allocation? In simple terms, it is how intelligently capital is invested. When a promoter starts there is a certain...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is the company’s growth plan?
One must understand the opportunity size and look at the company’s growth plan to tap into the opportunity. Capacity expansion If a...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
What are the addressable market opportunity and their key drivers?
This is a very important aspect to research the kind of themes that can play out in the future. Someone who had invested in Colgate in...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Does the company enjoy an Economic Moat?
An advantage that the company enjoys in comparison with the competition. What is an Economic Moat? A term given by Warren Buffett means...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is the competitive landscape?
As the level of competition and regulation in any sector increases, the fortune of that sector gets impacted. Type of competition Perfect...
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