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Ankur Kapur
4 min read
What creates value in a company?
A look at growth at a reasonable price. A simple answer to this would be growth. Future growth can be of two forms, one negative or zero...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is inflation?
In simple terms, you could have purchased 1 kg of Mango in 2013 for Rs 100, now the same quality mango comes for Rs 150, leading to a 50%...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
What to expect from your investment portfolio?
In March 2020, the expected returns were high but not a lot of people invested. Now when the markets have zoomed, people expect that the...

Ankur Kapur
4 min read
The ultimate dilemma - invest or withdraw?
2020 will be marked as a unique year that has demonstrated the capital market’s pessimism as well as optimism. A lot of this is...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
Investment advisory, the new paradigm!
In mid-2012, I started toiling with the idea of investment advisory in India. Investment advisory was still at a nascent stage and a lot...
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