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Ankur Kapur
2 min read
I cannot invest because I can’t afford it
Investing is the kind of thing that the longer you wait to get started, the more opportunity for future returns you could be giving up....

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Time-tested method to grow money
The most commonly accepted notion regarding wealth creation can be summed up as follow spend less than what you earn and then invest what...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is the margin of safety?
The margin of safety is the difference between the fair value of a stock and its market price. Warren Buffet says, ‘price is what you...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What should be the price?
After you have studied the business and industry, you understand the prospects. Once you are confident of the prospects of the business,...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Does the company have a suitable organizational structure and management depth?
An organization's culture is the personality of a company just like individuals have personalities. What is organizational culture? An...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Does the company have a rational capital allocation policy?
What is capital allocation? In simple terms, it is how intelligently capital is invested. When a promoter starts there is a certain...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
What are the addressable market opportunity and their key drivers?
This is a very important aspect to research the kind of themes that can play out in the future. Someone who had invested in Colgate in...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Does the company enjoy an Economic Moat?
An advantage that the company enjoys in comparison with the competition. What is an Economic Moat? A term given by Warren Buffett means...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is the competitive landscape?
As the level of competition and regulation in any sector increases, the fortune of that sector gets impacted. Type of competition Perfect...

Ankur Kapur
1 min read
Are the company’s terms of trade favourable? Is Cash flow healthy
The investor must assess whether the company has reasonable bargaining power with its customers and suppliers. Additionally, ensure that...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
Is the company profitable? If not, is it expected to emerge?
You allocate capital to make a return on it. This is applicable to any business irrespective of size. Let’s say someone selling food on a...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
Is the company’s business model understandable?
In simple terms how does the company makes money? Unless you understand what generates cash for the company, you cannot think of...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is the history of the company and management?
Before starting the analysis, you have to look at the company’s background and management. You need to know what is the business of the...

Ankur Kapur
4 min read
Special situation investing
Joel Greenblatt’s book “You Can Be a Stock Market Genius…” beautifully explains event-driven investing also called Special situation...

Ankur Kapur
3 min read
How to identify turnaround investments
Investing is all about the unknown future. More unpredictable the future, the better maybe the investment returns. Often an investment...

Ankur Kapur
4 min read
What creates value in a company?
A look at growth at a reasonable price. A simple answer to this would be growth. Future growth can be of two forms, one negative or zero...

Ankur Kapur
2 min read
What is inflation?
In simple terms, you could have purchased 1 kg of Mango in 2013 for Rs 100, now the same quality mango comes for Rs 150, leading to a 50%...
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